Manufacturer: United Scientific Supplies
Kit includes:
* 2 Barnes dropping bottles, 30ml
* 6 plastic dropping pipettes
* 1 glass beaker, 50ml
* 1 glass beaker, 100ml
* 1 glass beaker, 250ml
* 1 porcelain evaporating dish, 70mm diameter
* 6 glass stirring rods, 8"
* 1 glass Erlenmeyer flask, 125ml
* 1 glass Erlenmeyer flask, 250ml
* 6 glass test tubes, 18mm x 150mm
* 1 plastic cylinder (polypropylene), 10ml
* 1 plastic cylinder (polypropylene), 50ml
* 1 plastic cylinder (polypropylene), 100ml
* 1 stainless steel forceps, 5" long
* 1 steel crucible tongs, 9" long
* 1 glass funnel, long stem, 90mm diameter
* 1 plastic funnel, 75mm diameter
* 1 brass test tube clamp with finger grips
* 1 wire gauze with ceramic center, 5" x 5"
* 1 porcelain crucible, 25ml, with lid
* 1 watch glass, 75mm diameter
* 1 plastic scoop
* 1 stainless steel spatula, 3" blade, with wooden handle
* 3 solid rubber stoppers
* 3 one-hole rubber stoppers
* 3 two-hole rubber stoppers