Phenols Test Kits
Manufacturer: Chemetrics, Inc.
Phenol (hydroxybenzene) is the simplest of a group of similar organic chemicals, which includes cresols, xylenols, and catechols. Phenol itself is a common ingredient of disinfectants. In drinking water, low-level phenolic concentrations impart a foul taste and odor, especially upon chlorination. High phenol concentrations can indicate contamination from industrial effluents or waste discharge. The method is applicable to the monitoring of phenolic compounds in wastewater. CHEMetrics' phenols kits employ the well-established 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP) method. Phenolic compounds react with 4-AAP in alkaline solution in the presence of ferricyanide to produce a red reaction product. Phenol, meta-, and ortho-substituted phenols, and some para-substituted phenols, under proper pH conditions, are detected with this method. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) phenol.